As of January 1, 2022 Huntingdon County Library no longer charges overdue or late fines for items returned past the due date. Patrons are still responsible for all other fees, including lost and damaged materials.
Items check out for their standard loan periods and auto-renew up to 2 times, if eligible. Items on hold for other patrons cannot be renewed.
Patrons are notified by email or mail, depending on patron’s preference and the notice type.
- 3 days before due date- Items Due Soon (email only).
- On Due Date – Auto-Renewal success or failure notice (email only).
- 6 days after the due date-first overdue notice.
- 11 days after the due date-second overdue notice.
- 31 days after the due date-third overdue notice.
- 45 days after the due date-item is marked Lost.
Once an item is marked lost the patron is responsible for the replacement cost of the item and a $5 processing fee. The patron is unable to renew or check out any items if the bill total is over $10. If the item is returned in good condition, the lost item and processing fees are removed.
Replacement items for lost items are not accepted.
If a patron returns an item that is damaged and can no longer be used by the library, the patron is charged the original cost of the item and a $5 processing fee per item. The patron is unable to renew or check out any items if the bill total is over $10.
Replacements for damaged items are not accepted.
Will my previous fines be forgiven?
Yes, previous fines are being forgiven. However, most lost item fees will not be forgiven.
Are all fees being eliminated?
No. Patrons will still be charged for lost or damaged items, faxes, copies, and computer print outs.
Can I still check out if I have fees?
Yes, if the amount owed is under $10.00.
What if I return the item after an item is marked Lost?
If the item is returned in good condition, the lost item and processing fees are removed.
If I purchase a book to replace the one I lost, will you accept it for lost or damaged items?
No. Patrons must pay the cost of the item and processing fee for lost and damaged items.
Will I be charged a fee for every item that is lost or damaged?
Yes. Patrons will need to pay the fees assessed on each item that is lost or damaged to cover the cost and processing of replacements.